Meet the people behind BCEUINT Fanpage
Who are maintaining, updating with new material?
Meet Bas (NLD/BE)

Who is Bas? What exactly does he do behind the scenes?
Bas is the owner and founder of BODYCOMBAT NLBE Fanpage (www.body-combat.nl) since March 2006 and is also the owner/founder of BODYCOMBAT EUINT Fanpage (www.body-combat.eu) since 2016. Bas ensures that the information on both fanpage(s) remains up-to-date, is in contact with Les Mills Netherlands/Belgium and with the visitors who contact him. Bas also does the maintenance on the CMS and applications, so that these two core units remain up-to-date.
In daily life he is busy with programming and IT related aspects, in addition to teaching BODYCOMBAT classes.
Les Mills Marketing Studio
Bas has only access to his own Les Mills Marketing Studio account to use official promotional material and to use it for the BODYCOMBAT Fanpages (NLBE and EUINT).
More about Bas and Les Mills
Bas has been doing BODYCOMBAT in his gym for a long time (20 years ago with Release 17 in 2003 and has seen BODYCOMBAT develop and grow over the years, since he has been doing and following the lessons. He has a lot of passion for the Les Mills BODYCOMBAT program and he supports the vision of Les Mills and stands behind the format.
Since June 13, 2024 he is an official Les Mills BODYCOMBAT Instructor and has his International Certificate earned (BODYCOMBAT). He was ready to follow a Initial Module Training in April for BODYCOMBAT. This was his longtime dream and he passed it with hard work.
He does Strength training three times a week in addition to the BODYCOMBAT lessons and in addition to his IT related activities.
Other Les Mills programs
Bas has done the following Les Mills programs in his gym, but has now stopped:
- BODYJAM (2 years)
- BODYBALANCE (2,5 years)
- BODYPUMP (11,5 years)
- SH´BAM (1,5 years). Now it's called: LM Dance.
Contact Bas
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Meet Marie-Claire (UK/France)

Who is Marie-Claire? What exactly does she do behind the scenes?
Marie-Claire is a co-webmaster of the BODYCOMBAT EUINT website and is an enthusiastic Les Mills participant. She likes to help Bas with the website.
This will be supplemented.
Contact Marie-Claire
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Meet Jansku (Nordic)

Who is Jansku? What exactly does he do behind the scenes?
Jansku is a co-webmaster of BODYCOMBAT EUINT website. He likes to help Bas with the website.
This will be supplemented.